Meet jennifer

Meet Jennifer Healing

Hello my name is Jennifer and I am an Empathic Intuitive Life Coach and Energy Healing Practitioner. 

Growing up was not easy for me as an empathic child.  My parents did the best they could, but they did not know how to support and nurture me emotionally.  Throughout my childhood,  including my teenage years, the people who were the closest to me would constantly tell me that I was too sensitive, why was I crying and insinuate that there was something wrong with me.  Therefore, I thought my sensitivity was something to be ashamed of and I began to believe that there was something wrong with me especially since no one in my family was like this.  This left me feeling alone, isolated and a sense that I did not belong.

All of this was very confusing to me.  I had such a big heart and wanted to share my love with everyone.  Yet as a child, my heart could feel the suffering of others in the world.  I would cry when I felt the pain and hurt of those around me.  Even though I was just a child, I felt like it was my duty to save the world.  I would look up at the stars and ask God, why was I like this? Only later in life to find out what a gift being an empath really is.  As an empath or highly sensitive person, does this sound familiar to you?

Childhood should be a time of experiencing love, safety and acceptance but this was not always the case for me.  Unfortunately, I experienced significant childhood traumas that left me feeling damaged, broken and reinforced the feeling that there was something wrong with me.  As an empathic child I did not know how to handle this.  I started to create walls around my heart as a defense mechanism.  My childhood innocence faded, and I begin to live in fear of the world.

Due to these traumas, by the time I was in junior high, I decided to become a counselor and to be an advocate for those who did not have a voice.  I joined peer counseling in high school and majored in Psychology in college and then proceeded to get my Master’s in Science degree in Counseling for Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) and my credential in School Counseling with a specialization in Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA).

I was now in my early twenties and I was still operating from a place of fear.  I learned to use my empathic senses to sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and desires as a way to protect myself.  I would sense what they were feeling and adjust my behavior to try and avoid the pain of being hurt by others.  Therefore, I learned to play small.  I constantly would apologize for things even if they had nothing to do with me.  This caused me to be alert at all times and eventually it became hard to tell which emotions were really mine and which emotions were from other people.  However, as a counselor, this became quite useful and I was able to sense my client’s emotional state and have a deep understanding of their suffering.

Throughout my life I dedicated myself to helping others, especially children. I wanted them to feel empowered, whole and complete.  I spent over 20 years working as a school counselor with specializations in trauma and inner child healing.  I would constantly give so much of myself that I felt drained at the end of the day.  This physically manifested into serious health conditions, an autoimmune disease and eventually my body crashed. 

My declining health was what catapulted me on my healing journey.  I began to research and learn alternative healing modalities.  I saw chiropractors, acupuncturists, changed my diet to vegan, raw and juicing.  I then began to receive Reiki treatments and decided that I would learn this healing modality along with Quantum Touch, Integrative Chakra Therapy and Donna Eden Energy medicine.  My studies also included Energy Psychology techniques, such as, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Thought Field Technique (TFT) and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).  I began to use all of these modalities to help heal inner child traumas and emotional wounds from past experiences from a place of compassion, unconditional love and self-acceptance.

Once I incorporated all of these healing modalities, I was able to address the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects that were causing dis-ease in my body.  I would like to do the same for you.  If you are an empath, highly sensitive person or somebody who has been struggling with healing emotional wounds, I would invite you to begin your healing journey with me.  Together we will address what is limiting you and holding you back from the life you want to live.  Imagine if you did not have these limitations, what would your life be like?  How would your life change?

I would be honored to guide you on your healing journey and transformation.  If you would like to know more about working with me and the services I offer, let’s set up a discovery call.

Sending love from my heart to yours,


Academic Degrees

